Talk ur Mind

Replies: 387 - Views: 2103

abio: 25/04/24 - 19:33:07
Sawing a stupid is a possibility of a fool and the fool is u fify

fify: 25/04/24 - 19:34:56
Keep on ranting..You worthless and unclean dog..For making me to say what I wasnt supposed to say,you are simply MAD

RiskyDayo: 25/04/24 - 19:35:22
See abio or what so ever u call urself u are nnt here for hnsults

fify: 25/04/24 - 19:36:01
Abuh,lets leave the teethless dog to keep on barking..He is an idiot

fify: 25/04/24 - 19:37:45
Risky dayo,he is simply a fool and the best answer for a stupid fool like him is silence

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