The Lost Man

Replies: 2 - Views: 13

jenniehart: 15/08/24 - 03:22:23
In a bustling land filled with noise and chaos. There lived a man named Samuel. He was an ordinary man with extraordinary tallent of getting lost, so fast, so easily. No mater were he went, weather at the barber shop, or at the market. One day while exploring round the village, he stumbled throug a narrow walkway fille with vibrant large trees, bushes and plants with uniform growth. As he went deeper, he noticed a door at the end of the walkway.Samuel pushed it open and steped in,he found hself in an hidden garden, filled alhve with colourfull flowers. It was a serete place. At the center of the garden stood an old man, luking arnd others,the man says WLCM TO TO THE LOST GARDEN. He said to hself AT LAST NOW I CAN REALY WHAT I REALY WANT. He said with exite. Samuel saw a plant, its coulour flashed directly into his eyes and he could imagine his lost disire lurk throuh his mind, whth the pasion he had, he found a desire. And decide to be an artist

fawaz: 15/08/24 - 03:24:30
You did a good work

fawaz: 15/08/24 - 03:25:18
Post it in my club


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