Story writing

Replies: 37 - Views: 94

sunny: 20/09/24 - 17:50:13
A nail fell from his horse shoe.He did not care for that and reached the city.He did his business.When he was to get bac

sunny: 20/09/24 - 17:53:16
The inn aboy warned him of the robbers in the forest on his way.He did not take any notice and hurried away.

sunny: 20/09/24 - 17:56:45
The nail ran into his horse hoof it became lame.In the meantime the robbers appeared,killed him and made away with money

sunny: 20/09/24 - 17:59:43
A tiger and the greedy man\nOnce a tiger killed a woman.She was wearing a gold bangel.The lion kept it with him.

sunny: 20/09/24 - 18:02:38
One day a man came there.He was standing on the bank of a stream.The tiger appeared when he was ready to cross it.

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