Story writing

Replies: 37 - Views: 94

sunny: 20/09/24 - 16:14:46
saw that the bear was away.He asked his friend what the bear had whispered in his ear.The other friend replied that the

sunny: 20/09/24 - 16:16:37
bear had advised him not to trust a selfish friend.

sunny: 20/09/24 - 16:27:10
The boy who cried wolf\nThere lived a sherpherd in a village.He used to graze sheep in a jungle.One day,he thought of a

sunny: 20/09/24 - 16:29:55
mischief and began to cry,wolf wolf at the top of his voice.The villagers heard it and ran to his help with sticks.

sunny: 20/09/24 - 16:32:36
They found him stand loughing.They took it ill and want back.It was repeated and villagers did the same.This time they

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