Story writing

Replies: 37 - Views: 94

sunny: 19/09/24 - 09:23:26
I start in full story writing and you guess the story moral

sunny: 19/09/24 - 09:27:18
1: an old man and his sons\nAn old man had three sons.They always used to quarrel with one another.He advised them to

sunny: 19/09/24 - 09:32:46
live in peace.They did not care for it.The old man very sad.He wanted to teach them a lesson.He thought of a plan.

sunny: 19/09/24 - 09:35:54
One day he give them a bundle of sticks.He asked them to break it one by one.They tried their best to break it but

sunny: 19/09/24 - 09:39:18
Failed to do so.Then he asked them to untie the bundle.He give one stick to each and asked them to break it.


>Education | referenc>Story writing

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