
Replies: 18 - Views: 29

sunny: 20/09/24 - 11:36:38
dancing in the breeze.This sight delighted the poet and he looked at the flowers for a lon time.This sight left a

sunny: 20/09/24 - 11:40:35
lasting impression on his memory.As a result,whenever he is alone and in a thinking (sad)mood,the same sight comes into

sunny: 20/09/24 - 11:43:23
his imagination and fills his heart with pleasure.This experience has become a permanent source of pleasure for the poet

sunny: 20/09/24 - 15:10:42
2.The poem stopping by woods on a snowy evening has been written by robert frost, the well-known american poet.

sunny: 20/09/24 - 15:14:40
The main theme of the poem revolves round a traveller who is passing through woods which are lovely,dark and deep.

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