Love SMS

Replies: 47 - Views: 52

rover: 19/02/15 - 22:16:49
I Have A Simple Calculation On How Long We Will Be Together.. Count The Stars In Heaven And Sand On Shore.. Multiplied By The Heartbeats = Forever..

rover: 19/02/15 - 22:17:38
Love Quote: To Understand The Meaning Of True Love.. U Must First Surrender To It..

rover: 19/02/15 - 22:18:18
Broken Heart Is Like A Dog Bite.. The Pain Will Go Away But The Scar Will Last Forever..

rover: 19/02/15 - 22:18:49
Quote By Disappointed Lover: Congrats For Ur New Relationship Dear.. But Before Going Would U Like To Get That Knife Out Of My Heart.. Ull Probably Need It Again..

rover: 19/02/15 - 22:19:52
A Hug Is Like A Warm Sweater On A Cold Night.. It Just Makes U Feel Good..

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>Love and Friendship>Love SMS

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