Love SMS

Replies: 47 - Views: 52

rover: 18/02/15 - 23:11:48
We Have Shared The Suns And The Storms Of Life, Its Mountains And Its Valleys, And Always You Have Been My Inspiration, My Helping Hand, My Happiness, My Love.

rover: 18/02/15 - 23:12:57
Everyday, I Wait For A Text, Everyday I See You I Wait For A Hello, Everyday I Check Everyday I Tell My Friends How Much I Adore You. Everyday I Find Myself Let Down. But Everyday I Still Find Hope.

rover: 18/02/15 - 23:13:45
I Wanted To Tell You That Wherever I Am, Whatever Happens, Ill Always Think Of You, And The Time We Spent Together, As My Happiest Time. Id Do It All Over Again, If I Had The Choice, No Regrets.

rover: 18/02/15 - 23:14:35
I Asked God For A Minute And He Gave Me A Day, I Asked God For A Flower And He Gave Me A Bouquet I Asked God For Love And He Gave Me That Too, I Asked God For An Angel And He Gave Me You.

rover: 18/02/15 - 23:15:41
A Kisss Iz Just A Kisss Till You Find Da One You Love, A Hug Iz Just A Hug Till You Find Da One You Are Alwayz Thinkin Of, A Dream Iz Just A Dream Till It Comez True, Love Was Just A Word Till I Heard It From You.

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>Love and Friendship>Love SMS

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