
Replies: 10 - Views: 40

SNooKY: 03/06/13 - 11:41:22
post jokes here

SNooKY: 03/06/13 - 11:41:27
The rain makes all things beautiful The grass flowers too If rain makes all things beautiful why it doesnt rain on U?

SNooKY: 03/06/13 - 11:43:04
I want 2 tell u sumthing Please dont mistake me Please do it sincerely Wear a helmet while U driving because Empty things break easily

SNooKY: 03/06/13 - 11:43:30
Have a horrible day without water in ur bathroom while soap in ur eyes Ohsorry this msg is not 4 u Its only 4 those who take bath everyday

SNooKY: 03/06/13 - 11:45:40
I m getting married next month its small party and only few people will b invited dont bring any gift just bring someone who ll marry me .lolx.


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