I am begging someone the person was proving stubborn

Replies: 29 - Views: 158

Godstime50: 15/08/24 - 23:00:44
If you be yoruba. Make i tell you yoruba no join

Godstime50: 15/08/24 - 23:01:56
You are croakcoach and i will crush like ant

peace-09: 15/08/24 - 23:04:26
.hehe6. .hehe4. .lolz.

Scorpion_: 15/08/24 - 23:08:16
Hahahaha Cant Stop Laughing .hlol2. .lol2. .lol4. .lol6. .lolz. .punch. .hlol

peace-09: 15/08/24 - 23:20:00
.haada. .maruu. .adala.


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>F..A..R..C>I am begging someone the person was proving stubborn

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