I am begging someone the person was proving stubborn

Replies: 29 - Views: 158

Godstime50: 15/08/24 - 22:51:09
bhela you are motherless and senseless

Godstime50: 15/08/24 - 22:52:03
bhela no let me start

fawaz: 15/08/24 - 22:53:04
.godstime50. .didedayo. The case is settled we are back together

bhela: 15/08/24 - 22:53:15
Peace 09 he is no longer my boyfriend dont interfere in what they did say u should come and judge they will pour hot ashes on ur head idiot baboon

fawaz: 15/08/24 - 22:54:15
Why the curse .godstime50. It not good you started it .godstime.

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>F..A..R..C>I am begging someone the person was proving stubborn

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