express your feelings

Replies: 67 - Views: 104

BuRRyLoVe_: 06/10/13 - 19:47:22

BuRRyLoVe_: 06/10/13 - 19:49:45
and 1 day waiting b4 i can post a shout .gangry. .wtf.

BuRRyLoVe_: 06/10/13 - 20:21:43

BuRRyLoVe_: 06/10/13 - 20:40:55
.thanx. nicegurl .beer.

IAIN_SHAWN: 06/10/13 - 21:10:14
My suggestion granted about shoutbox.. But instead of 3 or 4 shout per day owner sub change it to 5 shouts .hehe.

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>*HiRuLanka Dream Wor>express your feelings

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